Summer 2015

Summer 2015- Green hair, same clothes, not a lot of brushing hair or violin. Sun burns and bathing suits all day even to bed. Driveway full of strollers and bikes and crackers and garbage. Hose permanently turned on and water balloons in every nook and crevice. Late nights and late mornings with too many Jesse episodes. Sugar for breakfast lunch and dinner with a “treat” in-between. Bike rides and crashes, close calls and scraped up knees and elbows. Yelling, fighting, sharing beds and laughs. Leaving every door open, inviting every fly in and leaving trails of food and wrappers wherever they go. Sunday hikes with lots of complaining, and going all day until they crawled into bed. 3 year olds keeping up with 9 year olds and running back and forth across the neighborhood 12 hours straight. Everyday. I’d say it was perfect!


Tupperware Snacks

Heading out on a road trip with my four girls this morning and borrowed an idea from my brilliant friend @sarabato. Each child gets their own Tupperware to fill with their favorite snacks for the car ride so there is no fighting, complaining, or sharing needed over the next 5 hours!


Welcome new followers

Hey, I’m excited for some new followers and wanted to take a quick second to introduce myself. My name is Kristin Andrus and I love to cook and entertain in between wrangling my four little girls and driving carpool. My husband and I love to travel and eat good food. I don’t have a blog and post all my recipes right here on Instagram. If you have any questions, comments, or requests just let me know. I post easy @justadash_ recipes which mean you don’t need measurements and you can substitute ingredients you have at home. We all have to cook dinner, so let’s make it FUN and YUMMY! Thanks!