TWINS | BOYS | MAY 2016 (Yes, I’m having a mental breakdown. Yes, I’m sick as a dog. No, we did not do fertility. Yes, we’re beyond shocked because we have 4 girls and never dreamed we’d have boys. Yes, I’m 14 weeks and look like I’m 26. Yes, I’ve already hired a night nanny. No, we’re not kidding about this). 💙💙
Read More...As we flew home yesterday I turned to my husband and said, this week is going to be different. I’m tired of being impatient, nagging, and frustrated with the kids all day. This week I’m going to be, as my kids say, “easy breezy lemon squeezy”. Bugging your sister. Oh well. Drawing on the cabinet again. Yep. Not getting ready for school. We’ll be late, not my problem. Messy house. Doesnt bother me. Tantrum in the middle of Target. Easy Breezy I’m going to stop talking at and to my kids so much and listen more. We will be late and messy and in disarray, but for this week I’m going to try my hardest to not let it get to me. I like clean and on time and control so this may kill me. Here goes nothing.
Read More...What family trips (not vacation), is all about! Travel tip- I wait until I get to the location I’m traveling to to buy cute “local” dresses or things for the girls. Walmart, Kmart, and such have great local clothing and items for kids. Don’t try touristy shops but shop where the locals go. These dresses were from Walmart and less then $10. You know with four kids you’ll end up at Walmart so save some dough and wait until you get there!
Read More...Chips and salsa taste so much better with a little chlorine (and Dad around ALL day)! PS- This picture was supposed to show pineapple, mango, and watermelon sprinkled with lime juice and sea salt but it was gone by the time I got my camera. Amazing!
Read More...Summer 2015- Green hair, same clothes, not a lot of brushing hair or violin. Sun burns and bathing suits all day even to bed. Driveway full of strollers and bikes and crackers and garbage. Hose permanently turned on and water balloons in every nook and crevice. Late nights and late mornings with too many Jesse episodes. Sugar for breakfast lunch and dinner with a “treat” in-between. Bike rides and crashes, close calls and scraped up knees and elbows. Yelling, fighting, sharing beds and laughs. Leaving every door open, inviting every fly in and leaving trails of food and wrappers wherever they go. Sunday hikes with lots of complaining, and going all day until they crawled into bed. 3 year olds keeping up with 9 year olds and running back and forth across the neighborhood 12 hours straight. Everyday. I’d say it was perfect!
Read More...Studio 5 this morning with my lovely Mama and the most delicious BLT’s you’ve ever had.